“The City is yours, the city is yours, twenty thousand empty seats, are you…….” Well we all know the rest. More comical shenanigans from the circus over at Eastlands.
If City beat Spurs tonight then they’ll achieve Champions League football for the first time in their history, so you’d think it would be easy to get rid of tickets right? Wrong. Only 24 hours before kick off the official City website was offering cut price tickets:
“Tuesday’s match against Spurs could be a historic one for the Blues and we want as many people as possible there to help the team.
“There are a few tickets remaining for the crucial encounter and they are now available for just £20 for adults and over 65s while under 16s can come for just £10.
“Tickets at this special price are strictly limited and will be available on a first come first served basis.”
It’s a sorry state of affairs when the “best supported club in Manchester” can’t even fill a 40 odd thousand seater stadium for such an historic clash. With Gary Cook claiming the club wanted to increase it’s capacity to rival Old Trafford, I’d suggest they get a few more fans in before they start down that route.
Here’s the link in case you thought I actually made up this sad state of affairs.
bitter reds. Have nothing good to say about your own club so slag off city. Fans have all forked out upwards of £100 for CUP FINAL tickets this week. There are 36000 season ticket holders so shut up!
I (& probably approx. 130 million others) have PLENTY of nice words about our beloved club, but you would NOT understand their meaning even with a dictionary (since u r even aware what dictionary is?!), cause there will be plenty of words relating to great football, titles, trophies, triumphs, CLASS, UNITED, BELIEVE, FANS – so nothing what the blue whatever has!
u better go looking for a web page of your ´club´ if there even is 1 relevant??? as said – ulcers!
DO HOPE WE KEEP THE 35 YEARS BANNER ON no matter what the FA Cup final outcome will be – in the end, you will NOT win it – yo will BUY it OR you will be GIVEN it by the poor football travesty representing David Bernstein … BUT YOU WILL NOT WIN IT, I MEAN WIN PROPERLY …
where there is noc class, there is not polemic, so u better do not react as no1 here cares what you ´think´ (or what does the one, who wrote your post instead of you cause u r unalphabeted, think)
well, one more – COME ON STOKE CITY, but be aware you are fighting with windmills & 12+ people on the pitch & the whole FA off it / the rest of the country is with you though!!!!!!
Yes we will buy it the same way all other clubs have bought success, please explain the difference, City have now spent the same amount on players as UTD and Chelsea have done over the last 15 seasons, just that we have had to do it in 3 seasons to catch up, whats the problem, seems that UTD don’t like to have any serious competition, with Chelsea and City now competing with you for the best players and your owners reluctant or unable to spend big, lets see what the next 5 seasons will bring.
What about the 30,000 empty seats for the Wolves match in the Carling Cup? Oh of course, the Carling Cup is the only cup competition where United’s gloryhunters and tourists can opt out of the compulsory purchase scheme. No waiting list for season tickets any more and United are now reduced to advertising match tickets in the MEN and e-mailing everybody on their database begging them to buy tickets.
What a sad man you are, I sense a fear amongst all the pathetic red scum, talk about clutching at straws, yes it is a real problem for us only being the Third highest attended ground in the country. Enjoy your last Orem title for a while, you seem to have forgotten that we trashed your treble hopes and Barca will do the same for your double. Get a life and grow up, you’ve had a great ride and congratulations to fergie, the best manager there has ever been, but it ends now. The blue moon is rising. Get use to it.
Hahahahahahaha – I see the Wastelands supporters are coming on here to DENY what is obviously true. Come on Spurs, COME ON STOKE LOL! As for Reds turning blue when you win the PL over at Wastelands – that will NEVER happen, no RED will ever migrate to you. You may get more few more supporters if ever you win the PL, but they won’t be ex REDS. Personallt I don’t care where our supporters are anywhere in the world, it just shows we are worldwide popular, and that’s what your Gary Cook is desperate for.
As a City fan not going to the game (I live in Sydney), I DO NOT find this at all embarassing. Who cares? Some people can’t afford it, some won’t fancy the game, some will be working and some will have one of a thousand other reasons for not going. But, well… and? Aren’t we all just interested in the football? I think it’d make more of a point, Motty, if you pointed to the top of the League Table or at the Champions League final and laughed because we’re not there. I’d get that. Even as a City fan forced for years to find the positives in the smaller stuff, I’ve never understood the obessession with the trimmings of football. Congratulations on the title by the way. 12th in 19… fair play.
Cheers Woodsy, maybe if you lived over here and listened to all the constant nonsense about “the City is ours” that your fans sing, bang on about on forums, radio phone-ins etc, you’d see why many Reds find the fact you can’t fill a 40 odd thousand seater stadium for a must-win clash pretty funny. It’s all made even funnier when Gary Cook talks with a straight face about making Eastlands the same capacity as OT.
I understand people are skint, but don’t harp on about how you’re “the best supported team in Manchester” and then moan when Reds take the p*ss ‘cos your flogging cheap tickets for the biggest league game of the season.
As for “aren’t we all just interested in football” that’s almost Martin Luther King -esque. Very moving.
Take the high road, mate. I’ve said for years I don’t know why United fans react to non-football arguments. You’re the best team in England and the rest is just guff. We’ve had very little to shout about for 35 years so of course we’re going to shift the argument to gloryhunting or Irish fans or The Glazers. But in the last year I’ve noticed United fans shifting the argument too. You’re still the best… Enough said, surely?
Wise words from a level headed city fan.
At the end of the day it’s just banter. It is amusing to hear “the city is ours” and at the same time not being able to fill the stadium and encourage the team at one of Citys biggest games ever.
Just as it’s amusing for some City fans to mock our asian/foreign support.
It’s part and parcel of football that both sides enjoy. Don’t wanna come across as a location snob or anything but it might be difficult for out of towners to understand.
It’s the bitters on here that have obviously actively searched for anti-city statements on sites like this only to rant about rubbish (see “whoisbitternow”).
Some take it personally and think we are “obsessed” with City whereas for the most part it’s just friendly rivalry and we have the same dig at chelsea/arsenal/liverpool/leeds etc
Its a tad ironic, all the excuses i hear from my rag mates is “we’re getting priced out”, yet when we do something like this, you take a dig, **rag in double standards shock**
Why the obsession with city guys, your so good and powerful with the best team, the best stadium, the best coach, the best supporters? Why you looking over your shoulder at Citeth or whatever you morons call us. I know why, you know your time has come, you took it for granted and now its coming to an end. I doubt that city’s success will be as long standing as you have just enjoyed but we will enjoy it for what it is. Do yourself a favor stop worrying about citys crowd, its a bit sad if thats all you have got, and start to worry where your next manager is coming from, your next UK based player, never mind Manchester, who your keeper will be next season, who will replace, Neville, Scholes, Giggs and the rest of the old timers, respect to all those three, true legends of the game not just UTD, and thats from a city fan, who can see things as they are. Take not Reds you need to start doing the same.
Poor city. You can boast of being a local club. Something we werd a trillion years ago. We are international not local anymore. As for expanding the capacity in ua stadium kihihihi just funny
mottershead you are a tosser, your rags cant even agree, some say we are not local we are global, some say we have more local fans than city, you make yourselves look stupid by contradicting each other but at the end of the day does it really matter, we have the fans that we have we have the team that we have, we are a club on the up you are a club in decline, youve scrapped the Prem title this season cos the rest of top 4 slipped up too often, that wont happen again, city did you when it really matters at semi to scupper your treble, and barca will do you again and that will be it. to be honest i would rather UTD won than Barca but thats not going to happen, I don’t hate UTD, they have been awesome over the last 20 years, I use to watch City UTD alternate weeks in the 70’s when you could just roll up to the Stretford end and pay on the turnstile but its the idiotic fans like yourself that let you down and the reason that everyone else hates them and I stick with City now.
Ha ha! Yeah mate, we’re in decline, Champions League final, 4th title in 5 years – looks like we’re on our way out! Even better is the game that really mattered was the FA Cup?!
You know it you fat twat, and barca will prove it, Shalke in Semi not exactly a tough route to final. and yes it did matter cos it stopped all you obnoxious red pricks from bleating on about the treble and yes city get to a final for 1st time in 30 years and you know what, we will enjoy it for what it is, win or lose, unlike you red scum who go into hiding on saturday night if you even draw a home game. you are pathetic glory hunters and even with 1 year without a title you would start to see the gaps appear at the “Theatre of Dreams” (how obnoxious is that name??)
“Fat twat” ha ha ha! That’s the first time I’ve ever been called fat- although not the first time I’ve been called a twat obviously. As for the “Theatre of Dreams” being obnoxious, yeah I know what you mean, shocking that United would use such an egregious arrogant name for our ground. Jesus wept.
Whats up Motty having your breakfast, cant reply with a donut in each hand, you could only support utd with a face as red as yours, get your blood pressure checked and keep of the pies you may live long enough to see UTD lose at wembley for the 2nd time this season.
Something tells me you’re having soup, spoon fed to you by one of the carers.
As a matter of fact i am, I suppose your bigoted towards the disabled now as well, i should have guessed, at least it keeps my hand free to reply to morons like you. Have a look in the mirror mate and take that photo off your profile, your asking for trouble with that.
It makes me laugh when people say we only won it because our team has some uncanny superability to be less shit than whoever our opposition is on matchdays.
It’s weird that despite all the money, City don’t seem to attract that many fans. There are always empty spaces at their council ground. I was wondering why this is the case, and decided that it is because they are a bunch of pathetic, small-time losers that everyone hates.
You can’t buy class or history!
Wow, that hurts from a supporter whos club can only attract 35,000 to Premier league games, think about it pal before you post your comments, Oh sorry that would require you to posses a brain cell!! doh!
Well duh, we attract over 35,000 on average. The only empty seats are the shite restricted view ones. WE run at circa 93% capacity.
But if were challenging for 4th, you can bet every single seat would be sold. The fact is, you’re a nothing club and you have won nothing of note.
Some people hate United because they are jealous of what they have achieved. But everyone hates City because they are a bunch of bitter losers.
All this fuss to qualify for 4th, which would only get you into the QUALIFIERS. You’ll end up facing a big club there, and get knocked out.
And everyone will be laughing their heads off!
Ohhhhh sorry 35,800 those 800 really make a difference when your talking about an average as low as that. Any way, wow really could you get a full 39,000 if you were challenging for 4th, with all that famous Everton history I though you would be able to do better than that. But wait a minute from what you said you don’t see the point of being 4th??? You really are an idiot!!