Walking into Elland Road last night was like being an extra in the film Mad Max, glasses flying, insults being hurled, riot police barely keeping the rabid Leeds fans at bay, it was a relief to get into the ground in one piece.
The woman next to me wasn’t so lucky as she had a nasty gash on the back of her head from a flying pint pot, “typical scum” was the general consensus.
Standing in the United end watching some of the Leeds fans making ‘airplane’ gestures and singing “always look on the runway…” or something equally as vulgar, it was easy to lose your temper and want to retalite in kind to the disgusting chants. Some United fans found it too much to take and responded with equally deplrable songs about Instanbul and Turkish fans with knives etc. That for me was the saddest thing about last night, a chance to show Leeds, a team that twenty years ago beat us to the title, that not only were we far superior on the pitch, but off it as well.
Unfortunately, while the team did us proud and the vast majority of United fans completely outsang the Elland Road faithful, there was a nasty element to the evening which many of the press revelled in highlighting- and to be perfectly honest, you can’t blame them.
There’s no excuse for sick chants from United fans, I’m sorry but there isn’t. I was subjected to racist abuse as I entered the ground but did I feel that justified me being racist or singing about murderered fans? No. Of course not.
I understand that emotions were running high and it was a game against one of our historic arch rivals, I also realise that some of the abuse levelled at United fans was enough to make anyone angry, but the “they started it” argument is as flawed as it is childish.
Manchester United are the world’s greatest football club, of that I have absolutely no doubt, we have the unrivalled tradition, the most exciting teams and players and the finest fans in the world. I couldn’t give a toss what abuse we have to suffer, we should be able to rise above and take the moral high ground as well as the footballing one.
The media are always quick to point out whenever United fans sing things they shouldn’t, last season’s FA Youth Cup victory at Anfield was overshadowed slightly by the coverage given to a very small section of Reds singing songs about Hillsborough. Most of the press coverage chose to ignore the Munich chants that many United fans heard, and instead chose to focus on the visiting fans misdemeanours.
I wrote a similar article to this last season following the FA Cup victory over Liverpool at Old Trafford. Despite Liverpool fans throwing urine at United supporters, waving their genitalia about, as well as the seemingly obligatory airplane signs- I was at the game below the away fans, so I’m not making it up- I called for United fans to try and avoid retaliating in kind in future and avoid the Heysel and Hillsborough chants.
In the heat of a game when insults are flying, its tempting for fans to go for the jugular, but look at the way United respond to City fans who chant Munich songs. City don’t have a history tainted with tragedy, in fact you could argue they barely have a history at all, so when United fans need to respond to their sick chants, we merely point out our huge success and the size of our club and fan base, compared to theirs.
United fans, like the club itself will always get a raw deal from the media, however sometimes we make a rod for our own backs. Labelling Liverpool fans ‘bin dippers’ or commenting on Leeds fans fondness of farm animals, is fair game as far as I’m concerned and more than enough of an insult without lowering ourselves to their level. Let’s highlight our successes in the future and let our victories and trophies do the talking.
how can you say man u were retaliating when they had an istanbul banner?
Whoever did that should be ashamed of themselves but let’s not pretend that started all the aggro, on the way to the ground before the game, there was disgusting chants from both sides.
Man United fans were the only sets of fans to have pre-made banners mocking the dead.
I think you seem to be forgetting the turkey flag with MUFC on it and the istanbul sign which shows the chants were not because you were angry about the munich songs, but were infact pre-meditated. Drop the “brought down to their level” self-righteous crap both sets of fans had their animals who were inevitably going to behave the way they did.
While that was disgusting, what has that got to do with fans getting bottles and glasses thrown at them on the way to the ground?
I could not agree more, not just about Turkey and the Munich but any football related death is beyond a disgrace, and with the abuse coming in to ER sadly thats football over not just at our ground. United fans from both sides of the Rose line know how much we hate each other, so to make it seem like your not used to that sort of thing is wrong because had it been the other round and it been at OT it would have been the same, United are not saints by any means. The one point u got totally wrong tho was the that the Manc fans out sang, not even close! the Leeds fans as always sang all night as they do every game! it was however a sad night from some sets of fans from both teams! no need for it and those that did sing those awful songs should hang their heads in shame!
This article puts all the blame on Leeds fans but that’s complete bullshit, Man U fans were just as bad and if not worse baring in mind they had made pre match banners saying istanbul and the turkish flag. If you’re gunna make an article slagging people off atleast take responsibility for yourselfs and see past the light of your own ass.
How does this put all the blame on Leeds fans when I clearly state the argument ‘they started it’ is flawed?!
“How does this put all the blame on Leeds fans when I clearly state the argument ‘they started it’ is flawed?!”
Given that subtle, almost hidden concession,two thirds of the way through your blog, then how did you manage to not be more balanced in your observations?
What is the purpose of your blog (Under the banner of Manchester United that carries a bit of responsibility)?
If you hate Leeds United fans, fine. But I expected something a little more cerebral on this blogsite.
Considering I had glasses thrown at me and was subjected to racist abuse as I entered the ground, I think I have remained somewhat balanced.
I don’t “hate Leeds United fans” I simply think some of them indulged in vile behaviour.
In all honesty, its difficult to hate people you feel sorry for.
Sorry mate I have to disagree. In reality football is a game a passionate game admittedly but a game none the less but somewhere along the way this has been forgotten. So you label some abuse as okay because it does not affect your sensibilities but other abhorrant because it does. In reality it is all childish, contemptable and perpetuated by people that were not even around when the chants started. If you want to stop the idiots first start with yourself and help make the ‘terraces’ a place where you support your team and not somewhere were you can insult the opponents fans as part of the mindless mob. Until such times as these sort of chants are abhorred, as much as banana throwing is now, it will continue, but hopefully if enough people do not join in and show there distaste when people do then we may once more become civilised.
Whilst I agree with the article in principle, don’t give me the self righteous Mancs thing. I also saw the MUFC-Istanbul banner. retaliatory-no! Pre-meditated-yes!
What a completly biased article. You claim Galatasray chants by MU fans was a direct response to Leeds United fans singing Munich songs? What a complete load of rubbish!! Clearly, the Istanbul chants were premetitated because an “istanbul” banner was unfured whilst the chants were taking place. I remember way back in 2003 an “ISTANBUL REDS” banner was also unfurled. It’s complete hypocrisy!
I’m not defending Leeds United fans, but how can Man U fans complain about Munich chants when they themselves sing songs about tragic events such as Hillsborough, Hysel, the death of Marc Vivien Foe, Instanbul ect ect…..? It’s time ALL supporters to get a life and respect other clubs tragedies, whoever you support.
Get off your high horse. You make it sound as if you gad to endure offensive chant after offensive chant before you finally retaliated however you’s came to the ground bearing banners and galatasaray flags…
The minority of Leeds “fans” who sang the despicable chants were shouted down straight away by the home end yet you mention nothing about man u fans shouting down the istanbul chants.
Your status isn’t based on the moral highground but by an heir of superiority
Good write up. Pay no attention to the critics above as in virtually every paragraph you clearly state any excuses on Man United fans try to bring up are wrong. You’re clearly addressing the United fans who can get sucked into this type of behaviour but can be convinced to change. It goes without saying that people who premeditate and bring banners are in the worst wrong; but that does not seem to be the article’s aim. I doubt they’re listening anyways.