I came across this on after a mate posted it on Facebook, it’s a simple tongue-in-cheek chart that enables the user to choose the Premier League club that suits them best.
Obviously there’s a small element of truth to the system and it pokes fun of some of the stereotypes often associated with fans of certain clubs. There’s been countless debates and arguments of late, not just between rival fans but even fans of the same clubs – including United, over how we came to follow our team and just how loyal we are etc.
While these arguments are often pointless and usually an excuse for some fans to show off as to how many games they’ve been to and how they’ve followed their club since they were in the womb, they occasionally raise some interesting points.
If you are new to following football or maybe even ‘soccer’ and stuck in a quandary as to which team to follow, then why not give this chart the once over, it could help your decision come much more easily.
Applauds who ever compiled, the chart.
“Not into cooking” No…….Norwich.