All the talk of late has been of a certain Belgian individual whose name I’m so sick of reading, hearing and even dreaming about, I’m loathe to repeat it. There’s another United target, that’s almost become an afterthought in many Reds minds these last few days but who by rights should be at the very forefront of our thinking.
Borussia Dortmund’s Shinji Kagawa, is supremely talented and seemingly available for a very reasonable -at least in today’s market- price of around £14-17 million depending on who you believe. The problem I see with Kagawa coming to Old Trafford- and yes this is my opinion, I’m not basing it on any “in the know” drivel, nor am I inclined to even quote a news outlet such has been their contradictory reporting over the past few days, I see Kagawa getting snapped up by someone else if we don’t act.
Arsenal are always on the look out for young talented- especially diminutive – players and would no doubt love nothing more than to silence the critics who claim they lack ambition – not to mention appease some of their own success-starved fans with a marquee signing of not too expensive proportions right from under the noses of one of their rivals. Arsenal also have the added carrot of Nicklas Bendtner a player who could be used as part of the deal as Arsene Wenger has obviously had enough of the Danes ego outweighing his not-too-great talents.
Kagawa has spoken to United – of that we can be sure – unless he’s a mentalist and is lying when he says he’s had talks with the club, my only worry is with all the focus on the kid from Lille, another club may be able to convince the Japanese international, he’s not our number one priority and he should sign with them.
I’d hate to see United chasing two young talents and end up with none, now is the time to secure the lad who IS willing to come to Old Trafford, before someone else does.
i think d manager suld go for d best:………..united till i die
We should sign kagawa before harzad before we loss the both of them it we be a blo for us