United are wiping the floor with noisy neighbours City when it comes to the popularity of both clubs’ Summer US tours according to reports.
While the Reds have seen record numbers attending their matches in the states, our less successful Blue counterparts have enjoyed the sort of crowds you’d get for a League One clash.
The Manchester Evening News notes:
David Beckham insists there is only one team in Manchester – and it is a view that appears to be echoed in his adopted homeland.
United and City have launched a two-pronged assault in the US and Canada, with both sides in the middle of pre-season tours across the Atlantic.
But it is Sir Alex Ferguson’s Premier League champions who have captured the attention of US audiences so far – if attendances and media coverage are anything to go by.
A total of 128,575 fans have turned up to see United’s opening two games against New England Revolution and the Seattle Sounders.
But City managed to get only 35,325 through the gates for their clashes with Club America and the Canadian side Vancouver Whitecaps.
Ferguson’s men have also received greater coverage in the US media.
The Wall Street Journal has documented United’s tour since they’ve arrived, but have been quiet on Mancini’s men.
With Barcelona and Real Madrid also taking part in matches in the US this Summer, it’s obvious clubs have realised the vast potetntial of the US markets.
I think in future City should focus on the potential of Stockport market and leave the US to the big clubs.
Tick tock
Get your mummy to teach buy you a timex for your 5th birthday. It’s all you can say at the moment.
Go go man u,my favourite game was when we played manchesters only team in the fa cup semi final,sadly yaya toure sent us all home early,thanfully we all live in london so did not have far to travel.
go go man u,ps how were most clubs founded pre 1992?i thought that was when football history started?
Nope just the prem dipstick , before you catch us you got to catch HUDDERSFIELD , just hope the blue moon keeps rising so eventually it will take one allmighty fall when SHEIHK MONSOON has finished playing with his little toy !!
I wonder how many of those 35,000 turned up mistakenly thinking they were watching Manchester United…:)
Those claiming City has more fans from Manchester yet ALL their players are foreign. Stupid!
Ez, you complete tw4t, do you know ANYTHING about england or english football ? If I was a red ( urgh god forbid) I’d be apoplectic that cnuts like you were running around giving me a bad name. you should be neutered to preserve the quality of the human gene pool.
I’m not amazed about this…They’re still miles away from us. The things that make a club poplar is history & class, not just money and money…
Poplar? That’s a tree. You mean popular don’t you? Oh no, you’re right.
Hilarious article, thanks Bitter Red!
in1voice,you forget,we are glory hunting fc,city are the only team in manchester.
go go man u i cant wait to see all the ‘stars’ of a club i have never been to see play from the comfort of my armchair play again.
wasn’t going to write anything here and yes i am a blue also the reason i am writing here is because news now shows this article on OUR page,i ‘ve been mainly laughing at what i have read but one or two of your supporters(reds) need educating,’all our players are from abroad ‘ one said….hmm ..now let me see? was it a dream or wasnt most of the england team made up of more city players tan any other team ? … listen its ok to feel bitter,just be careful what you say when you are being so lol.
United have more fans in the US of A than us? ….. That’s it I won’t sleep tonight !!!!!